Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beginning Research

I actually don't mind research papers, because I think it's really interesting to find articles that have different opinions and interpretations of the same text. However, I am used to doing research papers on comparitive literature, not so much on the abstract topic I am trying to investigate now. I like to use the San Jose Library website, and I usually find Academic Search Premier the most helpful search engine because it encompasses so many online journals, it will create a citation, provide an abstract, and I can email an article to myself if I want to read it later.
My vague topic, as I described in my last post, will be about websites promoting eating disorders. I have found a few interesting articles, one dealing with the number of pro-anorexia websites, and Yahoo shutting down a number of them. Another article was more of an experiment analysis, portraying the number of people on these websites and the effects they experienced. I find these interesting, but I know that my topic has to be more based in digital literacy and less in sociology, so... advice?

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