Thursday, April 8, 2010

Research Frustrations

I actually enjoy doing research in things I am in interested in. My paper focuses on pro-Eating Disorder (pro-ED) websites, and I was having trouble bridging my desire to write about the psychological/sociological impact of these websites and the class' required focus on technological writing. I tried researching the structure of websites in general, and found an article that was very useful. I also found multiple articles related to pro-anorexia websites including a few experiments, which I found interesting to read and useful to my paper. I used EBSCO because they email the article with the MLA citation. Evidently, I needed to check the MLA citations more carefully myself, because some of the citations were improperly formatted.
My frustration really came with the reaction to the research. I found out less than a day before my paper is due, that my focus is off, and I should have done more research in another field. I did not have the time to completely refocus my paper and to find research that fit this new focus. My current frustration with research now, is the time I have to find it and integrate it into my final draft.

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