Tuesday, March 23, 2010


With midterms, papers, work, and personal life to balance, I found it really difficult to choose a research topic, with so little peramiters. I am used to having a few prompts or subjects to choose from and I can work from there. I went from writing about the privacy of my writing space to the evolution of scroll to book. I thought that I could write about the Homeland Security Act, and how if someone writes an email or blog about a terrorist act, it might be flagged, even though the email was private, or the blog was set to private. However, I decided that I didn't want to test that theory! The invention of the book didn't count as digital writing, and I was really lost for a while on what I wanted to write about. It's frustrating because I'm really not a techy-person. I know the jist of facebook and email, and I don't really have a passion for investigating the privacy issues, because I don't want to wade through an endless WOT on the privacy policies.
I decided I want to focus on a more sociological term, because I find networking to be the most important feature of digital writing. I want to write about how digital media and/or writing spaces promote eating disorders. I think it's pretty obvious that extreme dieting and stick-figure bodies are promoted in current media. I'm thinking along the lines of exploring pro-Anorexia sites, how they bring people together to support negative habits. What other writing spaces promote negative habits? What is it about the anonyminity of these sites that allows for people to reveal such a deep secret?
.... Something along those lines, if you have suggestions to where this topic should be headed or a specific research question, please contribute a comment...

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